I am so stressed! … because I’m a newspaper reporter. And, according to job search firm CareerCast.com, I work in the 8th most stressful job occupation there is:
Newspaper reporter: It’s about deadlines, deadlines, deadlines. And an ability to confront public and corporate officials making ten times your salary. Median salary: $36,000.
My photojournalist colleagues have it worst. They work in the 7th most stressful occupation and their median income is lower!
Photojournalist: Soldiers have the most stressful jobs, but often, photojournalists have to follow them into combat. Wages are notoriously low, too. Median salary: $29,130.
CareerCast.com also identified the least stressful occupations. Topping the list for least stress?
University professor: Never mind the politics, and classrooms of non-responsive students — it’s a nice place to be. Median salary: $62,050.
Sigh. Maybe one day …
For what it’s worth, David, I’ve found being a college professor is almost as stressful as one of my former jobs, army officer.
Interestingly enough, I’ve seen other, similar, lists that place teaching at quite a high level of stress. I guess the results reflect the methodology and the group surveyed, as in any poll.
I remember the good ol’ days when I was only in the 8th most stressful career. Now I’m in the fifth most stressful career and no one knows what I do. Geesh.
You want to experience real stress? Walk a mile in a nurse’s shoes.