Harper on the death of Kim Jong-Il: He "violated basic human rights"

Prime Minister Stephen Harper issued the following statement this morning, on the death of North Korea’s Kim Jong-Il:

“Kim Jong-il will be remembered as the leader of a totalitarian regime who violated the basic rights of the North Korean people for nearly two decades.

“We hope his passing brings positive change allowing the people of North Korea to emerge from six decades of isolation, oppression and misery. The regime’s reckless decisions have resulted in North Korea being an impoverished nation and a country isolated from the international community because of its dangerous nuclear proliferation and ballistic missile programs.

“At this critical juncture, we urge North Korea to close this sad chapter in its history and to work once more towards promoting both the well-being of its people and stability on the Korean peninsula.”

UPDATE: Here’s reaction from Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird:

“We note this passing and hope the important transition it signals will allow the people of North Korea to emerge from six decades of isolation, oppression and misery.

“It is past due for North Korea to change its ways and for those who lead it to meet the real needs of the North Korean people.”

“Canada remains committed to a secure Korean peninsula and a peaceful, prosperous broader region; we will work with our allies to those ends.”

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