A reminder, from the Charge Sheet, against Canadian Omar Khadr who would have been, at the time the acts with he is charged occurred, 15 years-old. No where on the charge sheet is his age or nationality noted:
Name of accused: Omar Ahmed Khadr
Aliases of accused: Akhbar Farhard, Akhbar Farnad, Ahmed Muhammed Khali
Name of Accuser: Tubbs II, Marvin W., Office of the Chief Prosecutor
Charge I: Violation of 10 USC, Murder in Violation of the Law of War:
In that Omar Ahmed Kahdr, a person subject to trial by military commission as an unlawful enemy combatant, did, in Afghanistan, on or about July 27, 2002, while in the context of and associated with armed conflict and without enjoying combatant immunity, unlawfully and intentionally murder U.S. Army Sergeant First Class Christopher Speer, in violation of the law of war, by throwing a hand grenade at U.S. forces resulting in the death of Sergeant First Class Speer.
Charge II: Violation of 10 USC 950t, Attempted murder in violation of the law of war
In that Omar Ahmed Khadr, a person subject to trial by military commission as an alien unlawful enemy combatant, did, in and around Afghanistan, between, on or about June 1, 2002, and on or about July 27, 2002, while in the context of and associated with armed conflict and without enjoying combatant immunity, attempt to commit murder in violation of the law of war, by converting land mines into improvised explosive devices and planting said improvised explosive devices in the ground with the intent to kill U.S. or coalition fences.
Charge III: Violation of the 10 USC 950v (b) (28) Conspiracy
In that Omar Ahmed Khadr, a person subject to trial by military commission as an alien unlawful enemy combatant, did, in and around Afghanistan, from at least June 1, 2002 to on or about July 27, 2002 conspire and agree with Usama bin Laden, Ayman al Zawahiri, Sheikh Sayeed al Masri, Saif al Adel, Ahmed, Sa'id Khadr (a/k/a Abu Al-Rahman Al-Kanadi) and various other members and associates of the al Qaeda organizatino, know and unknown and wilfullying join an enterprise of persons, to wit: al Qaeda, founded by Usama bin Laden, in or about 1989, that has engaged in hostilities against the United States, including attacks against the American Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in August 1998, the attack against the USS Cole in October 2000, the attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001, and further attacks, continuing to date against the United States; said agreement and enterprise sharing a common criminal purpose know to the accused to commit the following offenses triable by military commission: attacking civilians; attacking civilian objects; murder in violation of the law of war; destruction of property in violation of the law of war; and terrorism.
In furtherance of this agreement or enterprise, Omar Khadr knowingly committed overt acts, including, but not limited to, the following:
1. In or about June 2002, Khadr received approximately one month of one-on-one, private al-Qaeda basic training from an al Qaeda member named “Abu Haddi”, consisting of training in the use of rocket-propelled grenades, rifles, pistols, hand grenades and explosives.
2. In or about June 2202, Khadr conducted surveillance and reconaissance against the U.S. military in support of efforts to target U.S. forces in Afghanistan.
3. In or about July 2002, Khadr joined a group of Al Qaeda operatives and converted land mines to improved explosive devices and planted said improvised explosive devices in the ground where, baed on previous surveillance, U.S. troops were expected to be travelling.
4. In or about July 2002, Khadr attended one month of land mine training.
5. On or about July 27, 2002, Khadr engaged U.S. military and coalition personnel with small arms fire, killing two Afghan militia members.
6. Khadr threw and/or fired grenades at nearby coalition forces resulting in numerous injuries.
7. When U.S. forces entered the compound upon completion of the firefight, Khadr threw a grenade, killing Sergeant First Class Christopher Speer.
Charge IV: Violation of 10 USC 950 v(b) (25) Providing Material Support for Terrorism
Specification 1: In that Omar Ahmed Khadr, a person subject to trial by military commission as an alien unlawful enemy combatant, did, in and around Afghanistan, from at least June 2002 through on or about July 27, 2002, intentionally provide material support or resources to wit: personnel, himself, to al Qaeda, an international terrorist organization found by Usama bin Laden, in or about 1989 and known by the accused to be an organization that engages in terrorism, said al Qaeda having engaged in hostilities against the United States, including attacks against the American Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in August 1988, the attack against the USS Cole in October 2000, the attacks on the United States on Sept. 11, 2001, and further attacks, continuing to date against the United states; said conduct taking place in the context of and associated with armed conflict.
.. [Repeats Items 1-7 of previous charge]
Specification 2: In that Omar Ahmed Khadr, a person subject to trial by military commission as an alien unlawful enemy combatant, did, in and around Afghanistan, from at least June 2002 through on or about July 27, 2002, intentionally provide material support or resources to wit: personnel, himself, to be used in preparation for, or carrying out an act of terrorism, that the accused knew or intended that the material support or resources were to be used for these purposes and that the conduct of the accused took place in context of and was associated with an armed conflict.
The accused provided material support for resources in support of acts of terrorism including but not limited to to the following:
[repeats item 1-7 of previous charge]
Charge V: Violation of 10 USE 950 v(b) (27) Spying
In that Omar Ahmed Khadr, a person subject to trial by military commission as an alien unlawful enemy combatant, did, in and around Afghanistan, in or about June 2002, collect certain information by clandestine means or while acting under false pretenses, information that he intended or had reason to believe would be used to injure the United States or provide an advantage to a foreign power; that the accused intended to convey such information to an enemy of the United States, namely al Qaeda or its associated forces; that the conduct of the accused took place in the context of and was associated with an armed conflict; and that the accused committeed any or all of the following acts; on at least on occasion, at the direction of of a known al Qaeda member or assocaited, and, in preparation for operations targeting U.S. forces, the accused conducted surveillance of U.S. forces and made notations as to the number and types of vehicles, distances between the vehicles, approximate speed of the convoy, time and direction of the convoys.